Renewal Dues FAQ

  1. I am a club officer, how do I pay dues?
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  2. Can I get a deadline exception?
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  3. How can I pay dues for one year?
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  4. Do I receive a discount for holding active membership in more than one club?
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  5. Is there a late fee?
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  6. What happened to the “Grace” period?
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  7. Why is/are my new member(s) not appearing on the club roster?
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  8. Can members pay their own dues online?
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  9. If a club officer is unpaid, what happens to their Club Central access?
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  10. Can I pay for future periods of membership, and how far can I pay in advance?
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  11. Can I pay for future periods online?
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  12. What if our club has no officers currently on file with World Headquarters?
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  13. Who can I contact if I need assistance with renewals?
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  14. What is the minimum renewal requirement for clubs?
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  15. When does my club have to pay the minimum renewal requirement to remain in good standing?
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  16. When do I have to pay my dues to remain in good standing and retain access to Base Camp?
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  17. What is the impact to my club if it does not meet the requirements to remain in good standing?
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  18. What is the DCP Deadline for partial Goal 10 credit?
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  19. What is the difference between a reinstating and renewing member?
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  20. How does a club in good standing address members who have not paid dues for the current renewal period?
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